Artisanal gold panners receive their 3rd premium

In 2021, 756 barequeros, men and women, from Chocò, in Colombia, received their 3rd "premium" for the responsible gold they exported to Switzerland.

Following the entrance into the formal financial system in 2019 supported by Swiss Better Gold, the barequeros from the municipality of Istmina, Department of Chocò in Colombia, got a total of nearly 59’000USD paid to their bank accounts.
The gold panners suppliers totalize 523 women and 570 men. An extraordinary demonstration that gender equality is possible in artisanal mining.
Social impact
The first analysis of the use of the premium by the barequeros shows that:
- 83% of this additional income is spent on accommodation and food (respectively 54% and 29%).
- 8% is spent on education
- 6% goes to health matters.
Read more about the barequeros receiving their first premium, and about the barequeros receiving their second premium and accessing bank accounts.
Date of Project completion:
756 gold panners received their Swiss Better Gold premium in December 2021.
Read more about the barequeros receiving their first premium, and about the barequeros receiving their second premium and accessing bank accounts.