Improving Cyanide Management at Trompetero, Colombia

Trompetero, Colombia: guarantee the health and the safety of the employees as well as the protection of the environment through the construction of a cyanide storage facility and the acquisition of equipment for a safe use of cyandide and personal protective equipment.
The Trompetero mining company is located in the municipality of Vetas near the city of Bucaramanga in Colombia. It employs 75 people and has been part of the Iniciativa Suiza Oro Responsable since 2020. Trompetero uses cyanide to recover the gold. Cyanide has been used in metal extraction since 1887 around the world. It is not dangerous if handled carefully and stored in a cool, dry and well ventilated place.

Project :
- Construction of an adequate storage facility for cyanide
- Acquisition of equipment for the safe use of cyanide
- Acquisition of personal protective equipment
To ensure the safety and health of employees and the protection of the environment.
To comply with the Swiss Better Gold continuous improvement plan in order to be classified as a Swiss Better Gold mining company.
To comply with the minimum standards of the International Cyanide Management Code (ICMI).
Project Implementation:
Total estimated cost of USD 2,700, with a Swiss Better Gold contribution of USD 1,400 from the technical assistance fund.

Date of Project completion:
The construction of the storage facility and acquisition of equipment was concluded in April 2023.

Read more about the projects at the Touchstone mine and in the El Pescado community: